Soft grey veining with grey overlay veining
Category Quartz
White background with large, dramatic grey veins.
Origin: India
Size: 137" x 77"
Bookmatch: No
Thin gold veining, minimal / natural colors
A simple, sold grey slab.
Origin: USA
Size: 130.5" x 65.25"
Creamy-white background with beautiful, thing copper veins.
Origin: INDIA
White background with small, copper veins.
Size: 128" x 64.75"
Beautiful white stone with incredible grey, horizontal veins.
Size: 128" x 65"
Stunning white background with large, soft grey veins.
Size: 128" x 63.75"
Bookmatch: Yes
Beautiful Golden, medium vein.
White background with small, reflective chunks of white.