Wandering Charcoal Veining
Category Quartz
White background with large, dramatic grey veins.
Origin: India
Size: 137" x 77"
Bookmatch: No
A simple, sold grey slab.
Origin: USA
Size: 130.5" x 65.25"
This is a breathtaking, dramatic stone with a stark white background with black veins throughout.
Origin: Malaysia
Size: 126" x 63"
Bookmatch: Yes
Beautiful white background with small grey veins.
Beautiful white stone with incredible grey, horizontal veins.
Size: 128" x 65"
Beautiful Golden, medium vein.
Very soft, two tone (grey / tan) veining for warm or cool palette
A simple, all white slab.
Origin: INDIA
Subtle, very very light grey/tan vein with tan overlay veining